According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency), 62% of home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes without working smoke alarms. Wow! What a statistic. Here is another, according to the NCEH (National Center for Environmental Health) each year there are as many as 20,000 emergency room visits for exposure to carbon monoxide. Not as striking, though definitely preventable. Here is the bottom line, purchasing smoke detectors and carbon monoxide sensors are a small price to pay when it comes to your health and the possibility of losing your home and everything inside of it.

You can buy these sensors from your local hardware store. However, going through your alarm company offers the most protection. Here at Brantley Security, we monitor both smoke alarms and carbon monoxide sensors 24 hours a day. We monitor not only for detections but also for low batteries and trouble signals. This ensures your sensors are dispatched upon immediately and are always working properly. Please note that the smoke alarms you have in your home currently may or may not be compatible with your alarm, therefore you will need to purchase the appropriate sensors. Again, a small price to pay for your health and safety, and not to mention your home.

Here is a diagram of recommended sensor locations.


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